美國加州聖地牙哥台灣同鄉會 San Diego Taiwanese Cultural Association http://www.taiwancenter.com/sdtca/index.html |
台灣同鄉會創始於一九七五年,為非營利機構。同鄉會最主要的成員為台灣移民、學生,以及台美人。入會年費為 $30.00。請按這裡下載報名表,填妥後請將報名表連同會費寄回。聖地牙哥同鄉會的成立目的在於了解及提倡台灣文化、風俗習慣、藝術、音樂、文學、歷史與語言。 The association was formed
in 1975 as a non-profit organization. The majority of members are Taiwanese
immigrants, students, and Taiwanese Americans. The annual membership
is $30.00. Please click here to download
the application form, and return it to SDTCA along with the membership
fee. The SDTCA is to promote
the understanding and appreciation of Taiwanese cultures,
music, literature,
history, and
languages. |