San Diego Taiwanese Cultural Association
  2020 年 9 月

NATWA - GSD 縫紉天使和 Covid-19

在2020年三月 Covid-19 疫雲籠罩下,雖然北美洲婦女會總會將原初計劃的年度大會活動取消,相對的,聖地牙哥婦女會的姊妹們己經集思廣益,設想如何幫助減緩疫情以增強我們的社區及保護第一缐醫護人員的健康。

聖地牙哥婦女會姊妹深知此刻加強醫護人員防疫裝備的重要性,在總會 NATWA Care 組織的支持下,從初略方案、研究開發、打樣板、剪裁、品管和成品,此地分會的 "YaYa Sewing Angels" 就這樣誕生了。


Sewing Angels 在短短兩個多月期間,已捐贈出近八百個頭套到聖地牙哥Scripps 和Sharp 各大醫院,其單位像 Covid-19、ICU、急救、心臟、婦產、復健等部門和清潔人員都不斷地接收我們的頭套。總會 NATWA Care 方案雖以接近尾聲,聖地牙哥的 Sewing Angels 秉著無私的愛心,仍以手製頭套竭盡全力,繼續支持我們的社區。

醫院致給 Sewing Angels 的感謝卡:

“ Dear Ladies of NATWA,

We also call you the ‘Sewing Angels’, thank you for your work, dedication and talent in making beautiful nursing caps for our sharp Chula Vista nurses.

They love your caps and we want you to know that your craft and work are very valuable and appreciated.

On behalf of our Sharp Chula Vista Team, we thank you! “


“ Dear Ladies of NATWA,

Yesterday afternoon, my boss took the beautiful caps to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), where the majority of our critically ill COVID patients are. The nursing caps made the nurses so happy and there were lots of smiles, gratitude, and thanks.

Please share our pictures with the team, so they know that their work is very important and our nurses feel more protected and more comfortable for their 12-hour shifts.

Their work is a gift to our nurses. Thank you! “