San Diego Taiwanese Cultural Association
  2016 年 9 月

2016 新種公司獎學金 得獎英雄榜

1. Cheng, Thomas Alvaro Charles               
University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada
Major: Accounting and Financial Management
祖母 :  張閨瑟
“My grandson is a diligent, hardworking, and focused young man. “  - 張閨瑟推薦

2. Hwang, Cassie (黃姿端)          
Washington University in St. Louis
Major: Marketing   Minor: Design
父親 : 黃煥昇
“她不僅勤奮向學,個性善良,而且待人謙和有禮,做事任勞任怨。“  - 李文惠推薦

3. Lee, Yuju Eric (李毓儒)
University of California, San Diego
Major: Communications  Minor: Business Management
母親:  賴惠玫
“Eric將是一個貢獻社會的棟樑,是一位令我們引以為傲的台美人第二代。“  -劉武鴻推薦

4. Lin, Anna Mei (林安娜)      
Pennsylvania State University
Major:  Premedical - Medical
祖父 :   林國基
“When she completes her seven years program, she expects to receive a degree in B.S. and M.D. “  - 趙哲明推薦

5. Lin, Shiau-Ching (林筱晴)                
University of California, Los Angeles
Major:  Business Economics
父親 :   林瑞昌
“I consider Shiau-Ching Lin to be one of the most intelligent and responsible volunteers of our program. “  - Meilan Chen 推薦

6. Liu, Cailin (劉潔穎)             
University of California, San Diego
Major:  International Business
母親:  廖珮君
“Her academic achievements are very impressive. She received the Provost Honors. “  - 吳得民推薦

7. Shih, Terry (石昭瑞)  
Santa Clara University
Major:  Computer Science & Engineering
父親 :  石正平
“Terry是一個品學兼優的好學生,是我們可以引以為榮的台美第二代模範青年。“  - 歐春美推薦

8. Wu-Woods, Natalie (吳佳美)        
Irvine Valley College
Major:  Bioengineering
祖父 :   吳聖麒
“She has great potential to be successful in her bioengineering career and to become a leader in our future community. “  - 吳銘賢推薦