2014 新種公司獎學金 得獎英雄榜
1. Bryan Chiou(邱子恆)
University of California at Berkeley
Major: Business Administration
父親 : 邱銖寬
“ Brian is a very well-balanced student who has always been active with SDTCA” - 陳秋山
2. Peter Guanchen Chu(朱冠丞)
University of California, Los Angeles
Major: Neuro Science
父親 : 朱國龍
“Peter is an intelligent, thoughtful and respectful young man” - 劉信達
3. Santos Mintse Chen Hernandez (陳敏哲)
Stanford University
Major: Computer Science
祖父 : 陳坤木
“Santos has a wealth of leadership experience, demonstrating his strong initiative to participate in a variety of different activities” - 陳坤木
4. Olivia May Lee(李傲梅)
Rice University
Major: Political Science
祖母 : 賴晉嬋
“Olivia 是一位多才多藝,品學兼優,富有領導能力的學生”- 范少達
5. Chun-Han Lin(林君翰)
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Major: Aerospace Engineering
母親 : 黃素芬
“Chun-Han 是位品學兼優的年輕人,平日待人接物很有禮貌”- 黃璟然
6. Esther Huah Wang(王樺)
University of California, San Diego
Major: Applied Math
祖父 : 陸天池
“Esther為人善良又誠懇, 樸實又樂於助人”- 陸天池
7. Jessica Jachi Wu-Woods(吳佳奇)
Fullerton College
Major: Biology
祖父 : 吳聖麒
“Jessica maintains an excellent academic achievement, participates a lot of extracurricular activities, and manage her time for community services ” - 吳銘賢
8. Tiffany Young Yang(楊心宜)
University of California, San Diego
Major: Psychology
父親 : 楊楊
“Tiffany不只是出色的在校成績,她在其他領域的優秀表現及領導能力皆另人佩服” - 范少達
9. Joshua Young Yang(楊心民)
University of California, San Diego
Major: Bioengineering
父親 : 楊楊
“Joshua 不只在學術有卓越的表現也有卓越的領導能力。他天資不凡,積極上進,勤奮好學也同時懷有遠大的抱負”- 范少達 |