San Diego Taiwanese Cultural Association
  2016 年 6 月

中文報導:好兒   英文報導:王克雄  

一年一度的聖地牙哥亞洲文化節(Asian Cultural Festival)今年於五月七日星期六於Mira Mesa Community Center 舉行。這是一個節目豐富、內容多元,能吸引各個族裔的活動。

當天早上天氣不穩定,義工開始佈置的時候還下起了一點小雨。還好接下來一整天都風和日麗。我們的攤位是用客家花布做裝飾,左邊是架著一個台灣地圖,前方有兩個桌子,擺放文宣品。我們準備了很多印有Taiwan的茶糖果供大眾取用。但最熱門的是小朋友可以摺起來玩的猴子造型的紙燈籠,一下子就發送完畢。還有一些原住民創作的明信片、台灣海洋生物的明信片供大眾參考索取。最主要的,我們透過供應台灣高山茶的方式,吸引觀眾們駐足。先奉送來賓一小杯茶,然後介紹說我們在Kearny Mesa 有台灣中心,附上中心的說明簡介。

當天有很多中心的義工,從早到晚輪班,在此特別感謝。義工名單:Ivy Lin 與 Howard夫婦,王克雄與友人陳嘉恩及潘莉瑩夫婦,Walter Chung 鍾啟偉及夫人,李元溢及陳淑卿夫婦,張玉珍及歐春美等。

Asian Cultural Festival Report
Ken WangPresident of TAFSD

Taiwanese American Community Center participated in the Asian Cultural Festival on May 7,2016 in Mira Mesa in the City of San Diego. This participation was made possible by the volunteers from the board members of Taiwanese American Foundation of San Diego. 
Please see the following schedule:

8:30 am - 10:30 am  Ivy Lin and Howard Chen 陳建豪及林怡貞夫婦
10:30 am - 12:30 pm   Ken Wang 王克雄 and 陳嘉恩及潘莉瑩夫婦
12:30 pm - 2:30 pm   Walter and wife 鍾啟偉及夫人
2:30 pm - 4:30 pm     Michael Li and Shu 李元溢及陳淑卿夫婦
4:30 pm - 6pm and wrap up after closing     Jessie Chang張玉珍and Carol Ou 歐春美

The first group and the last worked harder to set up and dismantle the displays. Ken recruited 陳嘉恩及潘莉瑩夫婦 who are visiting San Diego for a few months. We served free Taiwanese tea candies and Taiwan high mountain tea. They are quite popular. We also distributed quite many flyers about Taiwan Center and the Taiwanese Heritage Week activities.

It was a very successful activity to promote Taiwan. Hope you will join next year