San Diego Taiwanese Cultural Association
  2021 年 5 月


我們很榮幸在此宣布台美史料中心將於五月一日之後,移交所有的運作給University of California San Diego 之下的「台灣研究部門」。他們擁有學術性的專業、豐富的資源和人力,以及領導人廖炳惠教授對台美文化的愛心和深入研究,使我們確信這將能永續保藏和傳承台美人的歷史和文物。

感謝諸位讀者、作者和一些熱心參與、支持的人士,由於你們無私的奉獻、關心、鼓勵,「台美史料中心」才能走到今天。在這八年裏收集、記錄、整理的資料非常豐富多元。我們誠摯希望大家能夠 一秉過去的熱忱繼續走在這條路上,鼎力相助UCSD。

移交期間若有混亂誤會,請多包涵,或用以下的email 聯絡。

The current website will keep the same as:

For the time being the contact email stays the same as


T A Archives at UCSD

As a tribute to the late Dr. Bob Cheng, the web project he initiated on Taiwanese American Archives is now being moved to the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) to expand its operatives and to enhance hyperlink capacities. Over the years, Bob and his team have done our Taiwanese American communities immense (not to mention selfless) services in compiling embarrassingly rich encyclopedic entries of the lives and works of numerous Taiwanese Americans. In recognition of the project’s great value and significant influence, the Cheng Family members decided to set up a foundation, to support its digital transfer and maintenance, aiming to make archival materials available to diverse users and researchers, so as to celebrate on a global scale the remarkable accomplishments of the Taiwanese Americans, on top of cultivating forms of representation in bringing forth transformative visions to help shape the world’s future. Under the aegis of the Cheng Family Fund, Professor Ping-hui Liao, currently Chuan Lyu Endowed Chair in Taiwan Studies at UCSD, is the main person to oversee the progress of migration and eventual integration into the Geisel library’s digital resources. Dr. Liao entertains the idea of drawing on collective editorials to verify and to update bio entries and other modes of information, hoping to reintroduce the website as a Taiwanese American Wikipedia—which is by now more than twenty years old and has increasingly gained credibility in various fields such as medical humanities. He should request your assistance and solicit your guidance once things return to normal. As of now, the TA Archives domain name remains the same, with all materials intact for general access. In a few months, the website may become more integrated, vibrant, and user-friendly. Please stay tuned.

From T A Archives team