美國加州聖地牙哥台灣同鄉會 San Diego Taiwanese Cultural Association http://www.taiwancenter.com/sdtca/index.html |
2012 年 5 月 | |
Ballet Arte 古典芭蕾舞學校將在六月演出完整版的
Cinderella (灰姑娘) 舞劇 位於 Solana Beach 的 Ballet Arte 芭蕾舞學校將在2012 年六月九日在 La Jolla 的 Lawrence Family JCC Garfield Theatre (4126 Executive Drive) 公演兩場 Cinderell。下午兩點的一場由 Sydney Swanson 擔任女主角。我們的孫女 Olivia Lee很榮幸被遴選為傍晚六點演出的一場的女主角。懇請同鄉們大駕光臨,給予鼓勵和指教。 Olivia 是李元康和 Diana Padgett的長女,現就讀11 年級,三歲開始學習芭蕾舞,在 Ballet Arte 學了八年舞蹈。她在 Nutcracker (胡桃鉗) 中擔任 Sugar Plum Fairy、Clara、Arabian Principal 等角色,在一年前的 Swan Lake (天鵝湖)中擔任第二女主角 Black Swan。 Ballet Arte位於Solana Beach,每年盛大公演兩次,它是在幾個聖地牙哥芭蕾舞學校中唯一上演長篇完整版舞劇的學校。每年12 月份演出四場 Nutcracker。在年中則輪流表演 Swan Lake (天鵝湖)、Sleeping Beauty (睡美人)、La Bayadere 和 Cinderella (灰姑娘)。他們演出的舞台佈置、音響、燈光、服飾、舞藝,甚為賞心悅目。有意計劃兒孫習舞的家長們能趁此實際觀模和參考比較。 Ballet Arte’s 芭蕾舞學校採用Vaganova 培訓課程,融合理論上及簡潔的法國、義大利及俄羅斯傳統的芭蕾舞方法。學校為了發展多元化的芭蕾舞藝,並加入美式先進芭蕾舞styles,爵士舞和現代舞課程。 學校的校長/導師是一對夫婦 Sara Viale 和 Eriends Zieminc,他們曾在美國和歐洲的著明職業芭蕾舞團任首席舞者,現原文介紹於下: Sara, a native of Torino, Italy, graduated from the prestigious Academie de la Danse Princess Grace in Monaco, Monte Carlo. She has danced at the Torino New Dance Company, the Italian company Aterballeto, Zurich Ballet, and the Indianapolis Ballet. Sara has taught master classes in some of America’s finest dance school. Since 1994, she has been a Ballet instructor at the Professional Division of the Clara Noyes Academy. Erlends, born in Riga Latvia, received his primary Vaganova training at the outstanding Riga Choreographie Institute, the very same Academy that formed the world famous artists Mikhail Baryshnikov and Alexander Godunov. He has danced with the Latvian National Opera and Ballet Theatre, the Indianapolis Ballet, and the New York City Ballet. He has been a faculty member of the Ballet Internationale Academy, and has been invited to dance and teach as guest artists in many of the most acclaimed American companies and schools.