美國加州聖地牙哥台灣同鄉會 San Diego Taiwanese Cultural Association http://www.taiwancenter.com/sdtca/index.html |
2003 年 3 月 | |
莊明哲教授簡介 莊明哲教授是台南市人,畢業於台灣大學醫學院醫科。留學英國,先後獲得倫敦大學醫學院哲學博士及精神遺傳學科學博士。 莊教授曾任教台灣大學醫學院,聖路易華盛頓大學,愛荷華大學及布朗大學。現任哈佛大學精神科 Stanley Cobb 特別講座教授兼哈佛大學精神遺傳研究所院長。 莊教授是美國國家科學院醫學院士,英國皇家精神科醫師學院院士,美國精神醫學會及美國精神病理學會院士,並獲選為精神病理學會 2004 年會長。 莊教授曾獲多項科學及醫學獎,包括台美科技特別成就獎及世界精神醫學會終身研究獎。最近又榮獲美國生物精神醫學會金質獎肯定莊教授在精神醫學上所做出之傑出貢獻。 莊教授也是台灣中央研究院士,台灣國家衛生研究院諮詢委員及美國國家精神衛生研究院諮詢委員,協助美國國家衛生福利部制定研究方針和研究基金之分配。 莊教授曾經發表了四百多篇研究報告又兼任 Neuropsychiatric Genetics 醫學雜誌及其他許多重要科學雜誌之編輯。
Dr. Tsuang is Stanley Cobb Professor of Psychiatry & Psychobiology, Departments of Psychiatry and Epidemiology, Harvard University and is the Director of the Harvard Institute of Psychiatric Epidemiology and Genetics. He received his MD from National Taiwan University and his PhD and DSc in Psychiatric Epidemiology and Genetics from University of London. He has been recognized worldwide for his research in schizophrenia, manic-depressive illness, and substance abuse. Dr. Tsuang has received numerous awards including the Rema Lapouse Award for Mental Health Epidemiology, the American Public Health Association; the Stanley Dean Award for Research in Schizophrenia, the American College of Psychiatrists; the National Institute of Mental Health Merit Award; the Noyes Award for Research in Schizophrenia; the National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression Distinguished Investigator Award; and the Paul H. Hoch Award, the American Psychopathological Association. He has received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics, the Taiwanese-American Award for Achievement in Science and Engineering, and the Gold Medal Award from the Society of Biological Psychiatry. He is a Member of the Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, and National Advisory Mental Health Council, Department of Health and Human Services. He has been elected Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, American College of Psychiatrists, and British Royal Society of Psychiatrists, Fellow and President-elect of the American Psychopathological Association, council Member of the Taiwan national Health Research Institute Council, and Academician, Academia Sinica of Taiwan. He has authored or coauthored over 400 publications. He is currently the Editor for Neuropsychiatric Genetics, a section of the American Journal of Medical Genetics and serves on the editorial boards of many scientific journals.