San Diego Taiwanese Cultural Association
  2018 年 2 月



現在已經開始賣票。預購票價是一張 $10,包括一個精美可口的便當、一張摸彩劵及一瓶水。若您是2017或2018同鄉會會員,每家還可憑兩張票另領兩張摸彩劵。若您想增加中獎機會,也可另外憑一張門票購買一張摸彩劵。摸彩劵一張$1。請注意,今年與以往不同。今年只有買門票者可以參加抽獎活動!

請鄉親們盡早向同鄉會理事或台灣中心的 front desk (電話: 858-560-8884) 購門票,以便統計人數購買便當。若等到2/17當天才購票,則一張$12。為了控制場地不爆滿、讓參與者人人有坐位,我們門票只賣三百張,賣完為止。


這次的摸彩獎品極為豐富:特獎為華航捐贈的美台來回機票一張(在此特別感謝華航的慷慨捐贈)。同鄉會內部捐贈的有兩張$200禮卡、三張$100禮卡、和12張 $25禮卡。其他還有廣告商、機關行號、同鄉會理事、以及鄉親們捐贈的大大小小各種獎品。


*台灣中心住址: 7838 Wilkerson Court, San Diego, CA 92111


San Diego Taiwanese Cultural Association (SDTCA) Lunar New Year Celebration Night Party will be held at *TACC on Saturday, February 17, 2018.

Door tickets to the party are currently pre-sold at $10/ticket, which includes a specially ordered boxed meal, a bottle of drinking water and a ruffle ticket. If you are a 2017 and/or 2018 member of the SDTCA, you can request two more ruffle tickets per family with two door tickets (one ruffle ticket per door ticket). You can also buy extra one ruffle ticket at $1 with your door ticket. Please take notice that, this year, only door ticket holders can participate in the ruffle drawings.

To buy the party door tickets, please ask any SDTCA current board members, or get them from TACC front desk (Phone: 858-560-8884) by February 16Th.. If you wait until February 17Th. to buy the tickets, then the cost is $12/ticket. Due to limited space, we will only sell no more than 300 tickets. In order for us to order the right number of boxed meals, and because of the popularity of the party, we strongly recommend that you buy the door tickets as soon as possible.

Boxed meals will be available before 5PM; the celebration programs will start from 6PM. Other than the routine but important new/old SDTCA boards' inauguration ceremony and the outstanding entertaining performances, the highlight of the party, of course, is the ruffle drawings.

This year, we have many great ruffle prizes for the drawings. The grand prize is the round trip airline tickets from US to Taiwan (here, we’d like to express our special thanks to Taiwan’s China Airlines for its generosity and caring). SDTCA with a matching gift will donate two $200 gift cards, three $100 gift cards and twelve $25 gift cards. Plus many more prizes contributed by SDTCA advertisers, other organizations, companies and shops, SDTCA board members, and our fellow Taiwanese members and friends.

Please join us for a wonderful evening celebrating the Lunar New Year, and have a grand time filled with happiness and laughter with friends and family members in TACC.

*Taiwanese American Community Center (TACC) Address:
7838 Wilkerson Court, San Diego, CA 92111