美國加州聖地牙哥台灣同鄉會 San Diego Taiwanese Cultural Association http://www.taiwancenter.com/sdtca/index.html |
2007 年 11 月 | |
Introducing Taiwan
and Taiwanese Americans through Community Outreach and Networking 10月 6日 (星期六) , 前休士頓台灣人傳統基金會會長葉錦如 presented us many activities the overseas Taiwanese Americans have done to introduce Taiwan and to promote Taiwanese Americans to American Society. Those activities including: · Taiwanese Heritage Week activities She presented what Taiwanese Heritage Society of Houston had been doing: the community outreach program 葉錦如女士 defines Community Outreach as the activities that bring services and information about the availability of services to people in their home or usual environments. She believes that Community Outreach is an effective way to educate others about us. It helps us to reach many diverse communities and enables us to become a recognized part of the community. In Houston, various Community Outreach programs were carried out through Taiwanese Heritage Society of Houston (THSH), a non-profit organization established in 1989. It then acquired the Taiwanese Community Center (TCC) in 1991. In 2000, a new wing, with three rooms, was added to TCC with HUD’s (US Department of Housing and Urban Development) Construction Grant of around $300,000. THSH’s Mission is to increase public understanding of Taiwanese heritage and culture, and to provide community services to the Houston Metropolitan Area. HUD Regulations require that the recipients of its Construction Grants
must: In the past, THSH has been providing services to Taiwanese Americans
as well as the larger society. For example, THSH has been participating
in the food drive sponsored by the Food Bank with $1,000 donation and
loads of clothing since 15 years ago. THSH also raised fund to assist
the victims of Hurricanes in Houston. However, these service records
have not been well documented. · “Learning about Taiwan” Field trips to Taiwan Center, where visitors
learn about traditional children’s play that is unique to Taiwanese youth,
such as kick shutters (踢鍵子) and activities that are common among other
cultures, such as Tops (陀螺), weaving (織布) and puppet shows (布袋戲). In order to carry out the program activities, various program development strategies were deployed: · Volunteer recruitment (including TC Youth) Finally, 葉錦如女士 brought up some of her thoughts to share as follows: Though THSH has completed the grant contract obligation in 2005, the organization continued to carry out its outreach activities to serve the larger society, and expand networking opportunities with other non profit organizations.