美國加州聖地牙哥台灣同鄉會 San Diego Taiwanese Cultural Association http://www.taiwancenter.com/sdtca/index.html |
2011 年 10 月 | |
New Number One among
the Opera Gods? Richard Wagner's Ring is an industry on its own, with embarrassing riches of performance in reenacting the composer's visionary expressive music drama. Through such institution as Bayreuth, the Ring cycle has gained an iconic status in the German operatic tradition. In the world of CD, Wilhelm Furtwangler, Joseph Keilberth, and especially George Solti are important landmarks. But it is in the form of DVD that common audience gets to appreciate Wagner better. My talk focuses on new DVD renditions and discusses the ways in which they responded to a set of better-known productions--for example, Pierre Boulez's 1976 controversial version, James Levine's 1989 centenary celebration of the cycle at the Metropolitan, and above all Daniel Barenboim's 1991-92 atmospheric interpretation. A major piece in this showcase will be Zubin Mehta's 2007-9 new staging at Valencia, Spain. 誰是最近歌劇界的首選? 理查 · 華格納﹝Richard Wagner﹞所創作的歌劇「尼貝龍根的指環」﹝Der Ring des Niebelungen﹞是本身自成一格的文化產業。劇中豐富無比的內容,展現出作曲家對於表演音樂歌劇的視野。經過許多如拜羅伊特﹝Bayreuth﹞音樂節的推廣,華格納的指環歌劇系列在德國歌劇傳統裡,建立了代表性的偶像地位。在CD的出版世界,Wilhelm Furtwangler、 Joseph Keilberth ,尤其是George Solti的製作,可以說是重要的里程碑。但透過DVD的發行 ,一般的觀眾更能欣賞瓦格納的 作品。我的演講專注於新的DVD版本,並討論這些新版本如何超越過去一些知名的製作,如Pierre Boulez 1976 的爭議版本,James Levine 1989 在Metropolitan歌劇院演出的百年紀念版本,還有更有名、以舞台場景氣氛取勝的Daniel Barenboim 1991-92版本。在這些新版本中,最重要的是Zubin Mehta於2007-2009年間,在西班牙巴倫西亞﹝Valencia, Spain﹞ 的演出製作。