Linda Gail Arrigo新書介紹:我的聲音借妳
- 台灣人權訴求與國際聯絡網 1960-1980
This book recounts the efforts of those who gave their voices and many
years of their lives to the international appeal for human rights in
亞洲實在太遠了,以致於美國的偽善很容易掩飾。1943年7月由美國海軍情報首 長Milton Miles和中國間諜頭子戴笠所共同簽訂的中美合作協議,也是美國公然默許國民政府以集中營處置政治犯的開始。蔣氏政權在中國與共產黨的戰爭中潰敗後,於1949年逃至台灣,然而國民黨與美國合作的模式仍持續著。
International的總秘書長Martin Ennals首度來台,並取得由台灣政治犯所提供的黑名單。在這十年的末期,台灣島內的自由鬥士與國外的接應者之間已暗中形成聯盟。在海外,反對越南戰爭的聲浪開始成為美國本士與
世界的頭條新聞,反對美國支持獨裁政權的聲浪也急速增長,許多從事亞洲研究的美國學者也加入 組織進行聲援。在1968-69年,國際動員成功救援就學於夏威夷大學的台灣大學生陳玉璽免於死刑的案例,成為後來有效國際救援行動的藍圖。這是國民黨首度面臨到結盟的跨國人權工作者的監督。
Linda Gail Arrigo, Miyake Kiyoko三宅青子, Chen Chu陳菊, and Lynn Miles in
Taipei in 1999. Lynn developed the International Committee for the Defense
of Human Rights in Taiwan (ICDHRT) in Osaka from the early 1970s. Miyake
and concerned Japanese formed the Taiwan Political Prisoners Rescue Association
(TPPRA) in 1976. Linda joined up with the democratic movement in Taiwan
from 1977. Chen Chu, jailed 1980-86, was elected mayor of Kaohsiung City
in 2006.
James Seymour of Columbia University founded the Society for Protection
of East Asians' Human Rights (SPEAHR) in 1977. Kagan of Hamline University
repeatedly visited and reported on Taiwan's opposition movement. Both
gave testimony to the US Congress in 1980. Gerrit and his wife Mei-Chin
carried on Lynn Miles' human rights newsletter from 1979, and have
published Taiwan Communique for over 25 years.
The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT), founded in 1865, has played
a central role in the struggle for democracy and human rights in Taiwan,
especially through the missionaries from America and Canada. Yoshihisa
Amae, PhD. University of Hawaii 2006, has researched this history.
Judith Thomas and Milo Thornberry in 1969 designed Peng's escape from
Taiwan. PCT missionaries involved since the 1960s include Donald Wilson,
David Gelzer, Wendell Karsen, and Rowland Van Es. Mark Thelin, for
decades a sociology professor at Tunghai University, was also later
associated with the Tainan Theological Seminary.
The Catholic Church in Taiwan toed the government line, but Maryknoll
and Columban missionaries learned Taiwanese and grew close to the people
over their decades of service; many were deported. Michael Fonte, Ronald
Boccieri, James Collignon, and Edward Kelly. Other Maryknollers who
contributed to Taiwan labor and social movements were Sister Nadine
Tierney, AI Borsari, Jack Kennedy, Neil Magill and Richard Madsen.
Ron Boccieri and James Collignon, Taiwanese speaking Catholic pastors
deported after decades in Taiwan, were invited back by TFD in 2003.
Michael Fonte came to Taiwan with Maryknoll in 1967, and now works
for Taiwan's global recognition.
Lynn Miles came to Taiwan in September 1962 at age 19, through his
classmate, son of a KMT general. He gradually sensed there was a hidden
history of repression. After meeting the dissident writer Lee Ao and
former political prisoners such as Prof. Peng Ming-min and Hsieh Tsung-min,
Lynn became involved in carrying out letters for them. Peng escaped
Taiwan in January 1970; soon after Lee Ao and Hsieh were arrested,
and Lynn expelled. Through the clandestine communications of Miyake
Kiyoko, earlier recruited by Hsieh, Lynn kept reports flowing to Amnesty
International Committee for the Defense of Human Rights in Taiwan in
1975, and held together a network of contacts in Taiwan among traveling
students and reporters.
Linda Gail Arrigo came to Taiwan in 1963 at age 14 with her father,
a retired Army officer, and graduated from Taipei American High School
in 1966 Coming again in 1975 to research young women workers, she joined
the rising democratic movement, and linked up with ICDHRT in 1977,
conveying letters for Chen Chu and Prof. Chen Ku-ying. (Theresa Yuan袁嬿嬿,
worker dorm mother, also joined human rights work.) In the crucial
period 1978-79, as the public opposition organization grew explosively,
Linda served as English media contact for Formosa, the Magazine of
Taiwan's Democratic Movement. Following the arrests of December 1979,
she and other long involved foreigners, such as James Seymour and Richard
Kagan, carried the campaign to the US Congress and worldwide together
with the Taiwanese-American community.