美國加州聖地牙哥台灣同鄉會 San Diego Taiwanese Cultural Association http://www.taiwancenter.com/sdtca/index.html |
2018 年 1 月 | |||||
楊家的遭遇 謝謝台灣中心今天給我們這個機會讓我在這裡跟大家講一下我的好朋友楊家的遭遇。 我和楊太太一家認識已有30年。我們兩家是曾經共患難的好朋友。一個星期之前北縣Bonsall突發山火波及楊家。他們的房子,交通工具和他們賴以生存的農場在這次大火中全部失之火海化為烏有。楊先生和楊太太的兒子Jerry大火後第二天回到父母親的房子查看,痛不欲生,當場失聲大哭。傳回的錄像,身邊的人看了無不落淚。 雖然楊先生楊太太本人當時並不在美國,但是這卻是因為一個更加雪上加霜的原因。楊太太是回台灣接受化療治療癌症。2年多前她被查出乳腺癌,切除一側乳房。現在又出現症狀,這次才又回到台灣治療。她在電話裡告訴我癌症轉移了,但是為了不讓孩子們擔心傷心,她讓我不要告訴他們。她說最讓她傷心的是那些她用愛心哺育飼養起來的鳥都葬身火海。我聽了當場忍不住又哭了。 他們一家人從來勤勤懇懇,任勞任怨。全家以養鳥為生。大家知道這種傳統務農是很辛苦也是幾乎不賺錢的,累死累活最後拿到的收入只能勉強度日而已。 我和我的家人及我身邊的朋友在第一時間就為楊家開始募捐。我們這幾天都在到處努力想讓更多的人能知道他們的情況能願意幫助他們。有很多不認識他們的人都伸出了援手。天氣轉冷了,楊太太下週要回到家裡,我們很難想像她將怎樣面對曾經的家和農場現在變成了一片灰燼。我們能做的就是盡可能的讓她重新振作起來,面對生活。 一方有難八方支援,希望大家能願意幫助他們,多少都無所謂都是一片愛心。你的慷慨我們一定銘記在心。 【以下是楊家女兒 Jenni Southwell 關於此災難的陳述,節錄自gofundme 網頁】 Cancer Survivor Loses Bird Farm Our hearts are breaking from this overwhelming loss. On December 7th, the Lilac fire in Bonsall destroyed our family home and bird farm. Fortunately we are all safe, but all 10,000 birds we nurtured on the property lost their lives. Our personal belongs, 3 vehicles, and bird supplies were all obliterated, but the most heartbreaking loss were the birds which was our family's life work. My immigrant parents bought our home on W. Lilac in 1981 where they raised and bred exotic finches, canaries, and other bird species for the past 36 years. They dedicated their lives to caring for birds whether it was hand feeding baby birds, nursing the sick or tending to the injured. This loss of our beloved birds has been the most devastating part of this tragedy. My mother survived breast cancer 2 years ago, was already struggling to pay medical bills associated with her treatments and this overwhelming process of rebuilding their lives, home, and farm will be a costly journey. They are in need of a vehicle and the funds to rebuild their home and bird farm. This is an extremely overwhelming and challenging time for my parents, any donation would mean the world to my family during these tough times. 【編者按】